What Flying Can Teach You About Yourself and a New Season Aloft

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Welcome to Season II of the When Women Fly podcast! As we transition from summer to fall and celebrate the autumn equinox, we acknowledge the persistence of transformation and change. Equal dark and equal light, the time when everything starts to shift and we let go.  

Through all the ruptures of the past year and more we have been given so much to learn and callings to live differently. But how to do that and how to begin?

We have a rockstar lineup of shows in store for you. In this season, we’ll continue to explore the metaphor of flight with an emphasis on aligning with our deepest values, embracing challenge, letting go of old stories, and finding the courage to go all-in on our dreams. 

Why do planes or a flock of geese take off into the wind? Because taking off into the wind provides additional lift, helping to rise more quickly and stay aloft.

We believe that when we share our stories, own our fears and dismantle our perceived limitations – the possibilities are boundless. 

Thank you for joining us on this journey! Be sure to reach out with guest or topic suggestions for the show. We love feedback. Be bold, be brave, and fly.

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Why Everyone is Doing Handstands and You Can Too with Nathania Stambouli, Founder of Yogi Flight School


Thirty-Seven Ways to Fly and the Season One Wrap-Up with Host, Sylvia Winter