Podcast Episodes
Every woman harbors the spirit of flight. We talk about it, one story at a time. Our guests include superstar athletes, world champions, aviators, gritty moms, and women that are hard to ignore. Join us each week and connect with women who dare to pursue their dreams and fly.
Persevere and Become: How to Unlock Life's Outsized Returns
Our culture repeatedly tells us that the goal is to be the best, and to be the best you need talent or perseverance... but this message could be misleading. What if success isn't found in being the best but in becoming the best? What if becoming the best led to talent, perseverance, and hope instead of the other way around?
AMA with Host Sylvia Winter: Trusting Your Gut, Finding Your Flow, and Walking Through Life with Flight as a Metaphor
In this episode, Sylvia shares what it was like growing up in the Midwest. She shares how the seed was planted early in her life to eventually live in a French-speaking country, what it was like traveling abroad with her husband and three kids, how becoming a mother changed her approach to flying, and more.
What Holds Us Back and the Elephant’s Tether
In this short solo episode, Sylvia connects with listeners on the topic of perceived limitations. With a little investigation, we often find these limitations are nothing more than a figment of our imagination. But how can we see this for ourselves?
The Imaginary Tethers That Hold Us Back
In this short solo episode, host Sylvia Winter connects with listeners on the topic of perceived limitations. With a little investigation, we often find these limitations are nothing more than a figment of our imagination. But how can we see this for ourselves? Sylvia also discusses the healing power of Yoga and invites you to join her and Nathania Stambouli for a FREE five-day Yoga workshop. The workshop will run December 27th-31st. Grab the details inside!
Be Your Own Golden Goose with Sylvia Winter
In today’s short episode, Sylvia discusses balancing productivity and wellness. She discusses the story of the golden goose, pacing yourself on life’s journey, and the transformative power of story.
Ask Me Anything with Sylvia Winter on Growth, Guests, and Gratitude
Where is your growth edge? What action can you take today to push yourself outside of your comfort zone?
Sylvia takes questions from When Women Fly listeners in this first installment of the Ask Me Anything series. She explores finding your growth edge, stepping outside our comfort zone, and how committing to a practice that challenges us can push us towards growth.
What Flying Can Teach You About Yourself and a New Season Aloft
Welcome to Season II of the When Women Fly podcast! As we transition from summer to fall and celebrate the autumn equinox, we acknowledge the persistence of transformation and change. Equal dark and equal light, the time when everything starts to shift and we let go.
Thirty-Seven Ways to Fly and the Season One Wrap-Up with Host, Sylvia Winter
Sylvia connects with listeners to close out Season I of the When Women Fly podcast, and to introduce Season II launching Tuesday, September 21, 2021. Be bold, be brave, and fly!
Introducing the Summer Series
In this episode, Sylvia introduces the Summer Series and the shorter summer format. We break from the usual interview format to check-in. As always, you will hear story, reflection and practical advice about flying, the sense of flight and what it means to defy the laws of the familiar, persistent and somewhat limiting laws of gravity.