Introducing the Summer Series

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Flying into the wind is a tried-and-true way to get off the ground more quickly. But, there are times when taking off is just not a good idea: the crosswinds are too strong for you or the aircraft’s limitation, the runway too short, the visibility too poor, the load to heavy, or the density altitude too high. And these are times we calculate the risks and ultimately decide it could be better, wiser to stay grounded and watch the weather pass. I feel like we have spent 16 months watching the weather pass, calclating and recalculating risk.

And then, the weather passes, the winds are calm, the day clears – and have you forgotten how to fly?

In this episode, Sylvia introduces the Summer Series and the shorter summer format. We break from the usual interview format to check-in. As always, you will hear story, reflection and practical advice about flying, the sense of flight and what it means to defy the laws of the familiar, persistent and somewhat limiting laws of gravity.

Topics Include:

  • Introduction to the Summer Series format

  • Taking off into the wind

  • The pros and cons of being grounded

  • "Meh"

  • Seasonal changes and adjusting patterns

  • A passage from "On Extended Wings" by Diane Ackerman

  • And a few more gems...

Sylvia Winter is the Host and Creator of the When Women Fly podcast and community. To find out more about the the podcast visit the website or find us on social media.

Review and share this or any episode that resonates with you. Believe in the transformative power of story, just share an episode and you will have amplified a story that just might spark a pivotal moment for someone 

Give us some feedback,  help spread the word and grow what you have come to listen to here – a celebration of women and the spirit of flight.

Let’s keep learning together. Be bold. Be brave. And FLY!

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Highlights with Airshow Pilot Patty Wagstaff and Who is Wally Funk? (Summer Series II)


Transforming Fear into Abnormal Attitudes with Cecilia Aragon - First Latina Pilot on the US Aerobatic Team, Scientist, Author