Resilience and the Flying Trapeze with Dr. Edy Greenblatt - Entrepreneur, Coach, and Dancer (2021)

Sylvia is joined by dance ethnologist, flying trapeze artist and executive coach Dr. Edy Greenblatt, Ph.D., to discuss what people get wrong about work-life balance and burnout. Edy shares with listeners what flying trapeze and dance can teach us about business and relationships, what we can do to avoid burnout, why we should learn to work with our fear rather than against, and much more.

Dr. Edy Greenblatt, Ph.D., PCC is a transformational coach-educator, resilience pioneer, integration visionary, and entrepreneur. As Founder and President of Execu-Care Coaching & Consulting, Inc. she creates radically innovative interdisciplinary, multi-method interventions that help leaders, teams, and organizations learn, grow, laugh, and energize while they rise to meet demanding performance goals. Her blended solutions can include interactive classroom sessions, aerial arts and flying trapeze, embodied and peer coaching, world dance, WATSU, coach supervision, ethnographic analyses, interactive online support, and offsite resilience retreats.

About Edy

Dr. Edy Greenblatt, Ph.D., PCC is a transformational coach-educator, resilience pioneer, integration visionary, and entrepreneur. As Founder and President of Execu-Care Coaching & Consulting, Inc. she creates radically innovative interdisciplinary, multi-method interventions that help leaders, teams, and organizations learn, grow, laugh, and energize while they rise to meet demanding performance goals. Her blended solutions can include interactive classroom sessions, aerial arts and flying trapeze, embodied and peer coaching, world dance, WATSU, coach supervision, ethnographic analyses, interactive online support, and offsite resilience retreats.

Topics Include

  • Defining resilience

  • Work as enrichment to life, rather than a burden

  • The myth of work-life balance

  • Why we need to reframe fear

  • Identifying the activities that deplete or restore us

  • Investing in meaningful relationships

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