Podcast Episodes
Every woman harbors the spirit of flight. We talk about it, one story at a time. Our guests include superstar athletes, world champions, aviators, gritty moms, and women that are hard to ignore. Join us each week and connect with women who dare to pursue their dreams and fly.
Highlights with Airshow Pilot Patty Wagstaff and Who is Wally Funk? (Summer Series II)
Sylvia is joined by Patty Wagstaff to discuss her journey to becoming a US National Aerobatic Champion. Patty was the first woman to achieve this title, a feat she repeated twice thereafter, and has garnered worldwide recognition for her aerobatic routines.
Fire & Air with Patty Wagstaff - National Aerobatic Champion
Sylvia is joined by Patty Wagstaff to discuss her journey to becoming a US National Aerobatic Champion. Patty was the first woman to achieve this title, a feat she repeated twice thereafter, and has garnered worldwide recognition for her aerobatic routines.